If you'd prefer just a single word and celebratory day, lemme know- otherwise I'll deal out the trio.
Who's in this weekend?!
Luddite (noun) Luddite [ luhd-ahyt ] noun 1. a member of any of various bands of workers in England (1811–16) organized to destroy manufacturing…
Jolabokaflod (noun) jolabokaflod [ yoh-luh-boh-kuh-flawd, joh- ] noun 1. an Icelandic tradition in which books are given as Christmas presents…
Grandiloquent (adjective) grandiloquent [ gran-dil-uh-kwuhnt ] adjective 1. speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being…
Luddite (noun) Luddite [ luhd-ahyt ] noun 1. a member of any of various bands of workers in England (1811–16) organized to destroy manufacturing…
Jolabokaflod (noun) jolabokaflod [ yoh-luh-boh-kuh-flawd, joh- ] noun 1. an Icelandic tradition in which books are given as Christmas presents…
Grandiloquent (adjective) grandiloquent [ gran-dil-uh-kwuhnt ] adjective 1. speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being…