Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Drabble/Icon Challenge .:. Wrap Up


Thank you to everyone who participated in the Drabble/Icon Challenge!

Here's the collection of everything that was created.

Day 1 drabble from cmk418

Day 2 (double) drabble from cmk418

Day 3 (double) drabble from cmk418

Day 4 drabble from cmk418

Day 5 drabble from cmk418

Day 6 ficlet from asphaltcowgrrl

6 icons from severina2001

Day 11 ficlet from asphaltcowgrrl

Day 15 icons from Dreamy

Day 15 icons from cmk418

Day 22 ficlet from asphaltcowgrrl

Day 24 ficlet from sagaluthien

Day 25 ficlet from sagaluthien

Fic covering multiple days from skargasm

Day 44 fic from asphaltcowgrrl

Various icons from jujukittychick

If I missed anything, or if you'd like to add your creation, feel free to leave a comment to this entry.

jujukittychick will be making some Thank you/yay you did it graphics for those who participated.

Thanks again everyone!
Tags: challenge: drabble/icon

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