Stevia Flunt (asphaltcowgrrl) wrote in 1_million_words,
Stevia Flunt

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Back to Monday!

Happy Monday!  Dang, how are we on the last week of June already am I so oblivious to miss the obvious?  Hopefully you aren’t part of the heatwave steaming up the country.  Although, it’s perpetually hot as heck here, but that’s another story for another time. Haha.


1. Flash Challenge!  Your flash challenge prompt is: liar.  Give me 100 words or a graphic and I’ll reward you with my undying love and admiration.

2. Last week’s challenges:

Word of the day
Weekend Challenge
Thursday Tropes
A to Z
Torrid Tuesdays

3. Big Buddy is at 61%.  How are you doing?  For too many months in a row, I’m an epic flop but eh, I’ll get caught up eventually.  Hoping you’re doing better than I am.

asphaltcowgrrl –  9,150                                                                                                                    
agdhani –   36,600
cmk418 –  2,135
shanachie_quill –  6,100
skargasm –  12,200
blackrose_17 – 30,500
craterdweller – 6,100

4. The Daily Count challenge post for July is up here.  Check the current post here to see when you’re up next.

5. The long challenge for the rest of July and August is rare pairs!  You can find all the details here.  The challenge only started yesterday so check the tag here for current prompts and more information if you need some.

That’s all folks!  Here’s to another wonderful week!  Drop a comment below and let us know how you’re doing and what plans you have for this week.     
Tags: challenge: a to z, challenge: big buddy, challenge: flash!, challenge: numbers, challenge: rare pairs, challenge: torrid tuesday, daily: count challenge, daily: word of the day, weekend: challenge

  • daily count to...

    done writing for the day. I managed 1828 words! woo! passing on to flipflop_diva. good luck!

  • Passing the Torch to simplyn2deep

    I managed to get 5k written today which was amazing one of my best days in a long time. So I am calling it a day and off to enjoy some hot chocolate…

  • Yeah, that didn't happen...

    The brain weasels were not kind today and I didn't get any words. I didn't even manage to make my to do list. I managed to write down the…

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  • daily count to...

    done writing for the day. I managed 1828 words! woo! passing on to flipflop_diva. good luck!

  • Passing the Torch to simplyn2deep

    I managed to get 5k written today which was amazing one of my best days in a long time. So I am calling it a day and off to enjoy some hot chocolate…

  • Yeah, that didn't happen...

    The brain weasels were not kind today and I didn't get any words. I didn't even manage to make my to do list. I managed to write down the…