Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

Drabble/Icon Challenge .:. Day 11!


Every day you will see a post with 4 prompts like so: 1. a place, 2. a color, 3. an action and 4. a random word.

All you have to do is create an icon or a drabble (or more) for that day using at least one (or more) of the prompts.

There are no other rules! Any fandom/s (or none); any character/s; a one-off each day or a continuous story for several days; post it one day at a time, post 7 creations altogether once a week, or just post in one lump at the end! It's all up to you. Take the prompts and run with them; no interpretation is wrong!

Day 11
1. a place: Vault
2. a color: Blush
3. an action: Grilling
4. a random word: Chips

Feel free to leave suggestions on this post. All comments are screened.

Good luck and have fun!
Tags: challenge: drabble/icon

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