Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

Word of the Day 02/03/21 Willyard

Willyard (adjective)
willyard [ wil-yerd ]

adjective Scot. and North England.
1. obstinate; willful.

Also will·yart [wil-yert].

Origin: 1580–90; (earlier) wild, awkward, bewildered, derivative of Scots, dial. will gone astray, perplexed (Middle English
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<b>Willyard</b> <i>(adjective)
willyard [ wil-yerd ]</i>

<b>adjective</b> <i>Scot. and North England.</i>
1. obstinate; willful.

Also will·yart [wil-yert].

<b>Origin:</b> 1580–90; (earlier) wild, awkward, bewildered, derivative of Scots, dial. will gone astray, perplexed (Middle English <Old Norse villr), perhaps with -ard, though formation is unclear; later influenced by will and wayward

Now <b>YOU</b> come up with a sentence (or fic? or graphic?) that best illustrates the word.
Tags: daily: word of the day

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