Stevia Flunt (asphaltcowgrrl) wrote in 1_million_words,
Stevia Flunt

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Back to Monday Again!

Welcome to the second week of January!  How has the new year been treating you so far?  Hopefully it’s been good for you, or at least, better.


1. Flash Challenge!  Your flash challenge prompt is: snoop.  Give me 100 words or a graphic and I’ll reward you with my undying love and admiration. 

2. Last week’s challenges:

IntuitiveDesideratumWeekend Challenge: Snappy ComebacksTortis ViribusAClementTricliniumAutoschediasmVolte-Face

3. Big Buddy is at 35%!  How is your month going so far?  I’m not even sure where I’m at so far this month.  *sigh*

asphaltcowgrrl –  5,250                                                                                                                     
agdhani –   17,500
cmk418 –  2,625
bizarra –  3,500
flipflop_diva –   7,000
jujukittychick –  14,000
blackrose_17 –  10,500
thatwasjustadream – 3,500
skargasm – 3,500

January’s post is here, feel free to join in anytime.

4. The Daily Count challenge is in full swing.  You can see when your next day is here.

5. January’s long challenge is set to start here soon.  Haldoor has a post here, with information and a poll, so please  stop by and let your voice be heard.

I think that’s it for the moment.  I hope you all have a wonderful, productive week!   
Tags: challenge: a to z, challenge: big buddy, challenge: flash!, daily: count challenge, daily: word of the day, weekend: challenge

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