jujukittychick (jujukittychick) wrote in 1_million_words,

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Prompt Help Please?

If I need to delete this, just let me know, but...help? lol

I am doing a rare pair trope a day challenge this month, you guys have seen a couple of the results of this already.  The rare pair bit is killing me though because I don't normally write for them.   Here's the link to the master post for this thing.  Basically, I'm looking for pairing suggestions for the different prompts starting with 18. I generally write M/M but *shrug* I'm willing to consider M/F or F/F. 

Fandoms/ Rare Pairings I've written for in the past:
Buffy - Xander/Giles, Spike/Giles
Teen Wolf - Stiles/Jackson, Chris/Derek, Chris/Stiles, Derek/Jackson, Sheriff/Derek
Harry Potter - Harry/Fred/George, Harry/Bill, Harry/Charlie
Avengers/Spiderman - Clint/Loki, Bucky/Clint/ Tony/Clint, Steve/Peter Parker
Banlieu 13 (District 13/D-13) such a small fandom the main pairing is still rare lol - Damien/Leito
Kinives out  ditto ^ - Ransom/Benoit

Potential crossovers:
Xander or Spike with the Teen Wolf guys
Stiles with Avengers

M/M Pairings that are NOT eligible (I don't know about M/F or F/F):
Peter P./Tony

Thanks! I know you guys are all hella busy right now :)
Tags: exclaim: help!

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