goneahead (goneahead) wrote in 1_million_words,

Advent - Day 6!

I was reminded I never posted my bingo this community - so I figured I would wait and post it as an extra gift!

title: To Explore Creepy New Worlds
author: goneahead
fandom: H50 (Trek Verse!)
rating: R-ish (language)
word count: 15,800
pairing: Steve/Danny...eventually!
summary: These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore creepy new worlds--and to give First Officer Danny Williams more reasons to really, really hate space. Sequel to: Beam Me Up, Danno

On A03:To Explore Creepy New Planets

Fill for One Million's Halloween Bingo

Horror Movie, Trapped, Hitching A Ride, Eerie Lake
Tags: challenge: advent, challenge: bingo

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