Cards are in the next post!
Here are the ways you can achieve a bingo and claim a reward.
If you are confused because something doesn’t make sense feel free to ask questions here. :D
2x2 Bingo
1 Square – Fill 1 prompt on a chosen card
Doubles – Complete 2 prompts on that card
Blackout – Fill all 4 prompts on that card
3x3 Bingo
1 Square – Fill 1 prompt on a chosen card
Line – Complete 3 prompts in any one line on that card: across, down, diagonal
Corners – Fill 4 prompts in the corners on that card
Blackout – Complete all 9 prompts on that card
4x4 Bingo
1 Square – Complete 1 prompt on a chosen card
Line – Fill 4 prompts in any one line on that card
Corners – Fill 4 prompts in the corners on that card
Double Bingo - Complete four prompts in any two separate lines on that card: across, down, diagonal
Blackout – Fill all 16 prompts on that card
What constitutes a fill?
Words: At least 100 words per prompt, of any sort: Fic, non-fic (meta, journal entry, RPF). You can use prompts alone or combine them in a single work - 3 prompts in one work requires that work to be 300+ words long to qualify, etc.
Make 2 icons per prompt
Make 1 Wallpaper or other-type 'large' banner or image
Make 1 Gifset
Also, you're welcome to ask for clarification if a prompt confuses you but know up front that however it speaks to you is fine - interpret and fill it as works for you.
Bingos must be completed by November 30, 2020 at 11:59pm US EDT. You can post anywhere you prefer: here, AO3, journal, personal blog. We're on the honor-system, no need to link us to them if you don't feel like it, but it'd be most appreciated if you'd share them here on this post, or with a post of your own on 1_million_words so we can all squee for you and share in the bingo joy. Whatever you choose to do in that regard, do comment here by November 30th to say you achieved a bingo and which card and bingo type you achieved, so we can do up a reward for you!