Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Daily Count reminder

How is the writing thing going for you? Any bumps or hiccups in remembering the days you're accountable for?

If not, great! If so, that's still great! We're going to help you with that!

Here are the next 7 people for the month! Let's cheer them on to get those words!!

TU 22 – simplyn2deep
WE 23 – bizarra
TH 24 – flipflop_diva
FR 25 – jennytork
SA 26 – Dreamy

SU 27 – agdhani
MO 28 – cmk418

Happy continued writing!

The sign up for October's Daily Count will be posted soon!
Tags: daily: count challenge

  • daily count to...

    done writing for the day. I managed 1828 words! woo! passing on to flipflop_diva. good luck!

  • Passing the Torch to simplyn2deep

    I managed to get 5k written today which was amazing one of my best days in a long time. So I am calling it a day and off to enjoy some hot chocolate…

  • Yeah, that didn't happen...

    The brain weasels were not kind today and I didn't get any words. I didn't even manage to make my to do list. I managed to write down the…

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