I'm a balancing force of maturity... Or not ;) (erinm_4600) wrote in 1_million_words,
I'm a balancing force of maturity... Or not ;)

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Weekend Challenge: Song Titles

Hey all! Apologies for the delay -- Today's that day when the work program doesn't want to work and suddenly it's 3pm!

Anyway... I wasn't prepared for the weekend's prompts, but thanks to my Amazon Music collection, I had a lightbulb.

I have 134 song titles, from one artist, and that's all you'll get. Some of the titles are specific, some are vague.. but, as always, how you choose to use them is up to you!

You can request one or more; specific number or go randomizer.

Any questions, you know where to find me :)
Tags: weekend: challenge

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