Anyway, on with the count news!
We had a few more people joining us in the last month or so, and they have really helped boost the numbers, so a big thank you, and welcome to dreamersdare, skargasm and 3am_moonlight! And a big thanks to everyone else adding in the numbers; you guys all ROCK!
Image word: 140 x 1,000. This is up a spectacular 51 from last month!
Written word: 681,001. We're up 344,471 from last month's figures, which is INCREDIBLE!
1_million_words Total words to date 2020: 821,001
This is our best month so far this year!
This is a wonderful result, and with the 3 Sentence fic challenge still onlgoing until the 15th, and Bingo starting on the 16th, this is going to increase by a whole heap more by the end of April (and the end of everyone's lockdowns too, we hope!).
Now, let's be creative out there!!! ;-)