The happy facts do not need to be used in their exact context - but however they might inspire. Write or make something based on one, and I'll happy make you some icons or put words on a WIP!
Who is in?
Welcome to January! How is 2022 treating you so far? We had some very cold weather here for a few days, colder than it usually ever gets in these…
This is it! The last tropes for 2021! Thanks, H and K for letting me do (almost) a full year of tropes. And I only managed to miss 2 times. I feel…
Merry Christmas...or just Happy Thursday! Descriptions will be pulled from TV Tropes and a link provided if you want more information. The…
Welcome to January! How is 2022 treating you so far? We had some very cold weather here for a few days, colder than it usually ever gets in these…
This is it! The last tropes for 2021! Thanks, H and K for letting me do (almost) a full year of tropes. And I only managed to miss 2 times. I feel…
Merry Christmas...or just Happy Thursday! Descriptions will be pulled from TV Tropes and a link provided if you want more information. The…