gree [ gree ]
noun Chiefly Scot.
1. superiority, mastery, or victory.
2. the prize for victory.
3. Obsolete. a step.
Origin: 1275–1325; Middle English gre < Old French < Latin gradus step, grade; cf. degree
Gree (noun)
gree [ gree ]
noun Archaic.
1. favor; goodwill.
2. satisfaction, as for an injury.
Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English gre < Old French gre (French gré) < Latin grātum what is agreeable
Gree (noun)
gree [ gree ]
verb (used with or without object), greed, gree·ing. British Dialect.
1. agree.
Origin: late Middle English word dating back to 1375–1425; see origin at gree
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