a geek in such the wrong way (haldoor) wrote in 1_million_words,
a geek in such the wrong way

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Rare Pairs Prompt #5

We've been going for just over a week now, so hopefully you've started work on your Rare Pairs fic. If not, there's still time to join in! I hope to have the fic I talked about at the beginning of the challenge tidied up and posted VERY soon, and with luck I'll then be able to get on with the sequel.

Here's the next 'long' prompt:

One drying the other after an accidental dipping

Need a short prompt or two? Give me some numbers between 1 and 150 and I'll give you some (hopefully) inspirational words. Note: some of these may be suggestive, but you don't have to use them that way, OR you may ask me for another word to replace the one/s you don't like, and I'll find you something that's more general.

The next long prompt will be in two days time, but in the meantime if you need anything else, comment here and I'll reply as soon as I can!
Tags: challenge: rare pairs

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