Round 1 - 11-11:25am
Round 2 - 11:30-11:55am
Round 3 - 12:05-12:30pm
Round 4 - 12:35-1pm
Join me for a round or for the whole session and let's see how much progress we can make!
Samara (noun) samara [ sam-er-uh, suh-mair-uh ] noun, Botany. 1. an indehiscent, usually one-seeded, winged fruit, as of the elm or maple.…
Moonstruck (adjective) moonstruck [ moon-struhk ] adjective 1. mentally deranged, supposedly by the influence of the moon; crazed. 2. dreamily…
Wilco (interjection) wilco [ wil-koh ] interjection 1. (especially in radio transmission) an indication that the message just received will be…
Samara (noun) samara [ sam-er-uh, suh-mair-uh ] noun, Botany. 1. an indehiscent, usually one-seeded, winged fruit, as of the elm or maple.…
Moonstruck (adjective) moonstruck [ moon-struhk ] adjective 1. mentally deranged, supposedly by the influence of the moon; crazed. 2. dreamily…
Wilco (interjection) wilco [ wil-koh ] interjection 1. (especially in radio transmission) an indication that the message just received will be…