Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Word of the Day 10/01/19 à gogo

à gogo (adverb)
à gogo or à Go·go, à go-go[ uh goh-goh ]

1. as much as you like; to your heart's content; galore: food and drink à gogo.
2. with go-go music and dancing or a go-go atmosphere (used especially in the names of cabarets, discotheques, and the like): They danced all night at the Mistral à gogo.

posh, swanky, genteel, stylish, trendy, chic, mod, upscale, swank, modern, contemporary, popular, hot, new, smart, fly, trig, current, chichi, now

Origin: 1960–65; < French, Middle French; gogo perhaps by reduplication and alteration of gogue witticism, jest (French goguette), expressive word of obscure origin

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Tags: daily: word of the day

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