daily count thrown to -- bizarra
Word of the Day 11/03/24 Pogonophile
Pogonophile (noun) pogonophile [ puh-gon-uh-fahyl ] noun 1. a person who likes beards: Whether you’re a pogonophile yourself or just too lazy to…
Word of the Day 11/02/24 Evince
Evince (verb) evince [ ih-vins ] verb (used with object), e·vinced, e·vinc·ing. 1. to show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove. 2. to…
Word of the Day 11/01/24 Crapulous
Crapulous (adjective) crapulous [ krap-yuh-luhs ] adjective 1. given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating. 2. suffering from…
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