Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Word of the Day 09/08/19 Luminary

Luminary (noun, adjective)
luminary [ loo-muh-ner-ee ]

noun, plural lu·mi·nar·ies.
1. a celestial body, as the sun or moon.
2. a body, object, etc., that gives light.
3. a person who has attained eminence in his or her field or is an inspiration to others: one of the luminaries in the field of medical science.

4. of, relating to, or characterized by light.

See more synonyms on

Origin: 1400–50; late Middle English luminarye < Medieval Latin lūmināria lamp. See luminaria

Now YOU come up with a sentence (or fic? or graphic?) that best illustrates the word.
Tags: daily: word of the day

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