kaige68 (kaige68) wrote in 1_million_words,

Big Buddy September!

Comment here with the count you can reach in the month (remember to factor in holidays, finals, road trips, pajama days, hangovers, etc). I will check in with you once a week to make sure you are on schedule, to push you if you aren't, and to shake pompoms at you if you are (Well, I'll probably shake pompoms at you either way).

Your count is up to you. There is no minimum beyond what you decide. But Big Buddy will be watching you! If you pledge 100 words/images, then every Monday chime in to tell us that you are up to snuff.

This is not words to be done in lieu of something else. If you have a bingo, or a big bang, or a drabble-a-day, it all counts! Words/images do not have to be posted to count, they just have to be done!

Who's in?
Tags: challenge: big buddy

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