Stevia Flunt (asphaltcowgrrl) wrote in 1_million_words,
Stevia Flunt

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Monday Again!

Holy moly, how can it be July already?  Even better question is: how did I make it to work after having four days off in a row?


1. Flash Challenge!  Your flash challenge prompt is: sweltering.  Give me 100 words or a graphic and I’ll reward you with my undying love and admiration. 

2. Last week’s challenges:

3. Big Buddy 25%!  How are you doing?  I’m slightly behind but not anything that I can’t handle.

asphaltcowgrrl –  5,000
agdhani –  15
sharpiesgal –  3,000
jennytork –  4,250/1
cmk418 –   1,250
bizarra –   2,500
jstabe –  2,500
shinysylver –  3,750

Signups for July are here!  Come join us!  It’s fun and it’s free!  Hahaha.

4. The Daily Count challenge is here in case you need to check and see when you’re up next.

5. July’s challenge is the infamous pool party!  You can find all the information you need to dive in here.

And that is everything exciting that’s going on in my life at the moment.  Hahaha.  Chime in down below and let us know how you plan to make this week awesome!
Tags: challenge: a to z, challenge: big buddy, challenge: flash!, challenge: numbers, challenge: pool party, daily: count challenge, daily: word of the day, friday: say what?, weekend: challenge

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