Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Word of the Day 06/16/19 Disinvent

Disinvent (verb)
disinvent [ dis-in-vent ]

verb (used with object)
1. to undo the invention of; to reverse the existence of.

dis·in·ven·tion, noun

Origin: Disinvent is an obvious compound of the prefix dis-, here having a reversing force, and the verb invent. It is quite rare, first appearing in the second half of the 19th century (for the “disinventing” of the telegraph). In the 20th century disinvent has been applied to the impossibility of “disinventing” nuclear or chemical weapons.

Now YOU come up with a sentence (or fic? or graphic?) that best illustrates the word.
Tags: daily: word of the day

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