flipflop_diva (flipflop_diva) wrote in 1_million_words,

Weekend Challenge: Dr. Seuss Edition

I totally forgot this was my weekend, so I had to come up with something a bit quickly, and since lately my husband and I have been reading our daughter Dr. Seuss books when we're not reading her Harry Potter, I decided that Dr. Seuss quotes would be a fun way to go.

So I have for you 40 Dr. Seuss quotes — some from his books and others just wise/inspirational things he said.

So give me a number between 1 and 40 (or more than one number, if you'd like multiple inspirations) and I will give you a quote. You'll then have until the end of the day Thursday to post words or art inspired by your quote in whatever way you see fit. In exchange, I'll write you a drabble or make you an icon or just add words to a WIP in your glorious honor.
Tags: weekend: challenge

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