kaige68 (kaige68) wrote in 1_million_words,

Going to the Chapel?

Yeah, it's one the best parts of a wedding, the music! No matter if you are friend, family, distant acquaintance, plus one, or the bride and groom, music can make the day.

Electric Slide - Chicken Dance - Shout

Tin roof! Rusted!

Young man, are you listening to me?

I got all my sisters with me

'Cause you're the best thing that ever happened

There's a party goin' on right here

hold on to the feelin'

Van Morrison ~ Whitney Houston ~ Etta James

I showed this list to a co-worker, her reply was "Yep, my aunts have all danced drunk to that." So maybe your characters only dance drunk at weddings, or maybe they are learning all the steps to the Boot scootin' boogie, or maybe the Macarena is their jam!
Tags: challenge: songfic

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