unicorn [ yoo-ni-kawrn ]
1. a mythical creature resembling a horse, with a single horn in the center of its forehead: often symbolic of chastity or purity.
2. a heraldic representation of this animal, in the form of a horse with a lion's tail and with a long, straight, and spirally twisted horn.
3. ( initial capital letter ) Genetics. the constellation Monoceros.
4. an animal mentioned in the Bible, Deut. 33:17: now believed by some to be a description of a wild ox or rhinoceros.
5. a former gold coin of Scotland, first issued by James III in 1486, having an obverse bearing the figure of a unicorn.
6. Finance. a relatively new company, usually less than ten years old, that is valued at $1 billion or more by public or private investors.
Origin: 1175–1225; Middle English unicorne (< Old French ) < Latin ūnicornis one-horned, equivalent to uni- uni- + corn(ū ) horn + -is adj. suffix
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