flipflop_diva (flipflop_diva) wrote in 1_million_words,

April Challenge: How I Met ... — (The Personal Crossover Challenge PROMPTS!)

Hi, everyone, and welcome to the April Challenge! For this month, we are going to be writing crossovers with an individualized twist.

For more information, read all the details here.

This is the prompt post!

To help us with our challenge, please leave as many one- or two-word prompts as you want in the comments below (i.e., raindrops, puppies, baking, etc.). Comments are screened.

I'll start passing out prompts once we reach 100, but feel free to keep adding more even after that's passed so there will be some variety for any latecomers.

Let me know if you have any questions!
Tags: challenge: crossovers

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