cmk418 (cmk418) wrote in 1_million_words,

Weekend Challenge - The Good Ol' Hockey Game

Happy Friday! This weekend, the challenge is all about "the best game you can name" - hockey. I've taken 81 team names from men's and women's major and minor leagues across the globe for this list. You can either choose one prompt or several by number (1-81), by category (animals (21), fantasy/myth (8), natural/weather (13), people (21), and other (18)), or just ask for however many random prompts you want.

If you write 200 words or make a graphic on your prompt by Thursday, March 28, I can reward you with a drabble from a fandom that I write for (listed here), or words to my works in progress.

Have fun. And if you pick the right number, you might be able to continue your 3-sentence fic about the ninja with the magical penguins.
Tags: weekend: challenge

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