Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Word of the Day 03/12/19 Mare

Mare (noun)
mare [mair]

1. a fully mature female horse or other equine animal.

Can be confused

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Origin: before 900; Middle English, variant of mere, Old English m(i)ere; cognate with Dutch merrie, German Mähre, Old Norse merr; akin to Old English mearh, Old Norse marr, Irish marc horse. See marshal


Mare (noun)
mare [mahr-ey, mair-ee]

noun, plural ma·ri·a [mahr-ee-uh, mair-] /ˈmɑr i ə, ˈmɛər-/. Astronomy.
1. any of the several large, dark plains on the moon and Mars: Galileo believed that the lunar features were seas when he first saw them through a telescope.

Origin: 1680–90; < Latin: sea

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Tags: daily: word of the day

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