angelus2hot (angelus2hot) wrote in 1_million_words,

Bingo Blackout!

Beneath the cut you will find 9 fics in a variety of fandoms/pairings for the number 7 Fluff card.

The Here and Now (The Vampire Diaries: Elijah Mikaelson/Elena Gilbert)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 654 words
Elijah breaks his promise.
written for the phrase "I can't get you out of my mind"
Read on LJ or AO3

Always You (True Blood: Bill Compton/Sookie Stackhouse)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 355 words
Sookie wants Bill back.
written for the phrase "It's always been you"
Read on
LJ or AO3

Dancing in the Moonlight (Star-Crossed: Roman/Emery Whitehill)
PG ~ ficlet ~ 271
Roman just wants to hold her.
written for the phrase "Dancing in the moonlight"
Read on LJ or AO3

A Little Danger (X-Men: Wolverine/Rogue)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 378 words
Wolverine takes a dangerous step.
written for the phrase "Strawberries & Champagne"
Read on LJ or AO3

Mine (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series: Seth Gecko/Kate Fuller)
R ~ fic ~ 1,326 words
She's tired of being treated like a kid.
written for the phrase "Free Space- I used the word Mine"
Read on LJ or AO3

Walk on Faith(From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series: Seth Gecko/Kate Fuller)
PG-15 ~ ficlet ~ 657 words
She's tired of being treated like a kid.
written for the phrase "What the heart wants"
Read on LJ or AO3

A Bet was a Bet (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel/Buffy Summers)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 196 words
Angel and Buffy play a game.
written for the phrase "Even with my eyes closed"
Read on LJ or AO3

Forever(Charmed: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 484 words
Cole's leaving but Phoebe isn't having it.
written for the phrase "Easy like Sunday morning"
Read on LJ or AO3

No Turning Back (Lucifer: Lucifer Morningstar/Chloe Decker)
PG-13 ~ ficlet ~ 285 words
Lucifer finally gets what he's wanted.
written for the phrase "The best is yet to come"
Read on LJ or AO3

Tags: challenge: bingo, creation: fic

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