prognosticate [prog-nos-ti-keyt]
verb (used with object), prog·nos·ti·cat·ed, prog·nos·ti·cat·ing.
1. to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
2. to foretoken; presage: birds prognosticating spring.
verb (used without object), prog·nos·ti·cat·ed, prog·nos·ti·cat·ing.
3. to make a forecast; prophesy.
Related forms
prog·nos·ti·ca·tive , prog·nos·ti·ca·to·ry [prog- nos -ti-k uh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /prɒgˈnɒs tɪ kəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
prog·nos·ti·ca·tor , noun
non·prog·nos·ti·ca·tive , adjective
un·prog·nos·ti·cat·ed , adjective
un·prog·nos·ti·ca·tive , adjective
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1. foretell, foresee, project.
Related Words for prognosticate
herald, harbinger, divine, read, prophesy, betoken, adumbrate, forecast, foreshadow, forebode, augur, vaticinate, portend, presage, soothsay
Origin: 1375–1425; late Middle English < Medieval Latin prognōsticātus, past participle of prognōsticāre. See prognostic, -ate
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