Lizet Elaine (simplyn2deep) wrote in 1_million_words,
Lizet Elaine

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Word of the Day 11/15/18 Barnstorm

Barnstorm (verb)
barnstorm [bahrn-stawrm]

verb (used without object)
1. to conduct a campaign or speaking tour in rural areas by making brief stops in many small towns.
2. Theater. to tour small towns to stage theatrical performances.
3. (of a pilot) to give exhibitions of stunt flying, participate in airplane races, etc., in the course of touring country towns and rural areas.
4. (of a professional athletic team) to tour an area playing exhibition games after the regular season.

verb (used with object)
5. to tour (various places) as a barnstormer.

Related forms
barn·storm·er , noun

Related Words for barnstorm
canvass, travel, campaign, troupe

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Origin: First recorded in 1880–85; barn1 + storm

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