flipflop_diva (flipflop_diva) wrote in 1_million_words,

Daily Count Challenge to flyingharmony!

It's been a few days since the muse struck, but I wrote 811 words today, and finished and submitted my entry for LJ Idol. I like my entry, too, so a win-win there. And I also made two graphics for one of my landcomms. So a good way to start the month, I think!

And now, passing the writing torch to Avi/flyingharmony! Who I know is at home on break so she should have no excuses xD

(Also, if anyone would like to read the Idol entries or vote for me, I'd super appreciate it! This week's poll is here, and you can vote with your LJ account if you don't have a DW. Thank you in advance!)
Tags: daily: count challenge

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