Danielle Abigail Maxwell (hiddlepinebatch) wrote in 1_million_words,
Danielle Abigail Maxwell

August Rush Wrap-Up!

First off, I am so sorry this took so long. My bad. Life has been ultra busy.

But I just wanted to congratulate everyone on their hard work and amazing creations for August Rush 2018! You guys are AWESOME!!! To see all the creations, please visit the tag Challenge: August Rush. Let us take a look at all the words created in August, shall we?!

simplyn2deep 56 icons, 54 banners = 110 graphics!!! And they participated all 20 days!
angelus2hot 4,600 words!!!! And they participated all 20 days!
katleept 4 icons and 8,517 words!!! And they participated all 20 days!
cmk418 4,331 words!!! And they participated all 20 days!
sharpiesgal 733 words! And they participated five days, which is amazing!!!

Thank you to everyone who participated! I was too busy myself to make any creations, but I was more than happy to give you guys the screencaps! And a huge, huge, HUGE thank you to haldoor for helping me out with posting two of the days when I was traveling, and agreeing to do rewards. And thanks to everyone who helped with obtaining screencaps! It was much appreciated :) You know who you are!

Can't wait for August Rush 2019!

PS: if I missed anything, just yell haldoor ;)
Tags: challenge: august rush

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