Thank you to everyone who has suggested fandoms for some custom cards. I underestimated demand and need a couple more days to get them completed- so bingo will start today, and will end at midnight eastern US time on October 7th. I'll have the custom cards up in a separate post on or by 9/7! If you haven't suggested a fandom and would like to, here's where to do so.
Part II: Fandom-focused Bingo Cards are Here!
Self-Care and Tending Prompts
I wanted to do something slightly different than hurt/comfort, but with that kind of theme in mind. So here are some prompts that can have your characters taking good care of themselves or each other. All sorts of angsty potential, too, isn't there? Flashbacks, maybe even! I hope these inspire.

Genre and Trope Bingo
Mix 'em, match 'em - put your OTP, OT3 or the whole darn gang through some new and interesting things....

Image Prompts
Thanks to the web site unsplash for these free-to-everyone images!

There was a day I might have had the breathing room to make an image map for the cards, but... not so much right now. So if you'd like the larger verisons of all these images they are ALL tucked behind this handy tag:
[ Spoiler (click to open)]
Plane Wingtip

Lighting a Match

Waving or drowning?

Who's a pretty doggie?

Which side of the mushroom to choose?

Fancy Soap - Seaside Motiff (I want this!)

My Way or...

Too Much Love....

Turn left at Walden Pond...

Live Life in Color...

First Date?

Less Traveled....destination unclear

As pretty as it is caffeinated

Pretty spray of flowers

Luscious full moon on the water

Needy, much? Or just out of patience? ;)

It'll last longer...

Finally, for today, here is the fine print! Fills, Rules and Deadline! Also behind a cut for lots of worrrrds....
[ Spoiler (click to open)]
Possible accomplishments are:
2x2 Bingo
1 Square – Fill 1 prompt on a chosen card
Doubles – Complete 2 prompts on that card
Blackout – Fill all 4 prompts on that card
3x3 Bingo
1 Square – Fill 1 prompt on your card
Line – Complete 3 prompts in any one line: across, down, diagonal
Corners – Fill 4 prompts in the corners of said card
Blackout – Complete all 9 prompts of said card
To achieve a fill:
Words: At least 100 words per prompt, of any sort: Fic, non-fic (meta, journal entry, RPF). You can use prompts alone or combine them in a single work - 2 prompts in one work requires that work to be 200+ words long to qualify, and so on.
Make 2 icons per prompt
Make 1 Wallpaper or other-type 'large' banner or image
Make 1 Gifset
Interpret the prompts however you wish: There’s no wrong or right, only your interpretation.
Bingos must be completed by Sunday, October 7th at 11:59pm US EDT. You can post anywhere you prefer: here, AO3, journal, personal blog. We're on the honor-system, no need to link us to them if you don't feel like it -- but it'd be most appreciated if you'd share them here on this post, or with a post of your own on 1-million-words so we can all squee for you and share in the bingo joy. Whatever you choose to do in that regard, do comment here by 10/8ish to say you achieved a bingo and which card and bingo type you achieved so we can do up a reward for you!
Speaking of which....rewards! They are:
2x2 cards
1 Square - participatoin icon
2 squares - a personalized participation banner
2x2 bingo blackout - a personalized bingo mini-blackout banner
3x3 cards
Line - a personalized participation banner
Corners - a personalized participation banner
Blackout - a personalized bingo blackout banner, and one of these two options:
- a ficlet of 200-300 words (fandom and characters or theme of your choosing)
- 5 icons or other sort of graphic (sigtag, etc) from the fandom(s) or themes of your choosing.
Good luck! And come back to get your fandom cards 10/7.