angelus2hot (angelus2hot) wrote in 1_million_words,


I got Bingo for both of my Cole/Phoebe cards made by thatwasjustadream.

Beneath the cut you will find the AO3 links to 8 Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell fics.

Title: Dark Love
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 210
Summary: Dark love is still love.
A/N: written for my Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: Not Fully Evil
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 327
Summary: There's a fine line between good and evil
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: Never Mine
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 207
Summary: Were you ever really mine?
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: It's Not Enough
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 186
Summary: ...or is it?
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: No Happily Ever After
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 123
Summary: For one shining happy moment
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: Can't Live Without
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 283
Summary: Can’t live with...
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: A Matter of Time
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 280
Summary: I want to believe
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Title: For One More Night
Fandom: Charmed
Characters/Pairing: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 400
Summary: Let’s pretend it’s forever one more night.
A/N: written for Bingo at 1_million_words

Tags: challenge: bingo

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