Stevia Flunt (asphaltcowgrrl) wrote in 1_million_words,
Stevia Flunt

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Happy Monday!

Wow, another week gone already?  Here in the desert, we’ve already bypassed any semblance of spring and have moved right on into summer.  I can’t say that there’s anything exciting happening around these parts.  But that can be a good thing, too.  Gives me time to sit back, read, write, or whatever else might inspire me to be creative.  And that’s a win as far as I’m concerned.


1. Flash Challenge!  Your flash challenge prompt is: allergies!  Tis the season after all.  Give me 100 words or a graphic and I’ll reward you with my undying love and admiration.

2. Last week’s challenges:

3. Big Buddy 77%!  How are you doing?  Are you on track or woefully behind like I am?

asphaltcowgrrl – 11,550
simplyn2deep – 3,850
agdhani – 38,500
cmk418 – 1,155
itsanonyx – 1,925
craterdweller – 1,540
csichick_2 – 11,550
flipflop_diva – 6,160
lesbiancleophas – 11,550

4. April Challenges are in full swing!  The first is a WIP Push.  Grab those languishing WIPs and let’s make them into something great.  The second is a Crossover Challenge which is always fun.  I don’t know about you guys, but I love crossovers (but only when they’re done well).  I’m currently crossing two of my original fandoms and causing chaos.  But chaos is normal whenever a certain cowboy is involved.

Here’s to another great week everyone!  Shout out and let me know what kind of awesome has been going on in your world.
Tags: challenge: big buddy, challenge: crossovers, challenge: flash!, challenge: wip push, friday: say what?, monday: accolades, weekend: challenge

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